The stage of exploring alternatives is often the most time-consuming part of the decision-making process. For some people, this stage sometimes takes so long that a decision is never made - this is true "paralysis by analysis"! To make this step efficient, be clear about the factors you want to include in your analysis. There are three key factors to consider:
무엇을 해야할 지 도무지 의사결정이 어려울 때, 무엇을 고려해야 할까요?
복잡하게만 생각하지 말고 3가지만 생각해 보세요. 이 결정이 어떤 리스크가 있는 지, 최종적으로는 어떤 긍정적/부정적 결과를 가져올 지, 마지막으로 현실성이 있어 실행가능한지.
1. Risk - Most decisions involve some risk. However, you need to uncover and understand the risks to make the best choice possible.
2. Consequences - You can't predict the implications of a decision with 100% accuracy. But you can be careful and systematic in the way that you identify and evaluate possible positive and negative consequences.
3. Feasibility - Is the choice realistic and implementable? This factor is often ignored. You usually have to consider certain constraints when making a decision. As part of this evaluation stage, ensure that the alternative you've selected is significantly better than the status quo.
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